[Batch] Backing Up Data with a Batch(.bat) File
本文最後更新於:2024年7月7日 晚上
The Need for Data Backup in Windows
Creating a batch file to automate the process of copying files to a specified directory on a regular schedule can be incredibly convenient. Here is a simple guide on using the xcopy
command to achieve this.
1. Create Batch File
- backup.batPlease note that the encoding format of this batch file should be saved as UTF-8 or you can save it in another encoding and modify the
@ECHO OFF @REM Set language encoding to UTF-8 chcp 65001 IF "%1" == "" ( SET /P source="Please enter the absolute path of the folder to be backed up: " ) ELSE ( SET source=%~1 ) IF NOT EXIST "%source%\" ( ECHO Path does not exist PAUSE EXIT ) IF "%2" == "" ( SET /P target="Please enter the absolute path for storing the backup: " ) ELSE ( SET target=%~2 ) IF EXIST "%target%\" ( choice /c Yn /m "The target path already contains files. Do you want to overwrite?" @REM Incorrect condition IF ERRORLEVEL 255 GOTO CLOSE @REM Choose not to overwrite IF ERRORLEVEL 2 GOTO CLOSE @REM Choose to continue backup IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO CONTINUE @REM Cancel command IF ERRORLEVEL 0 GOTO CLOSE :CLOSE ECHO Backup canceled PAUSE EXIT :CONTINUE ECHO The target path files will be overwritten PAUSE ) xcopy "%source%" "%target%" /s /e /h /i /c /y ECHO File backup complete PAUSE
setting accordingly to avoid any issues with garbled Chinese characters.
2. Usage
Directly input the source and target directories in the command:
backup.bat "C:\test\source" "C:\test\target"
Double-click the file to use the interactive command line to input the target directory:
- Windows 10
[Batch] Backing Up Data with a Batch(.bat) File